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Shutter doors and Windows industry in rural market will crea

China door industry development of the study, released last month, by the end of 2010, China's door industry has more than 11000 production enterprises, of which more than 10 million yuan output value of nearly 4500 enterprises. China's door industry currently outlets throughout the country has reached more than 96700, annual production capacity has grown two millimeters more than 19867.98 (set/Taiwan), annual output value 189.193 billion yuan, the company is 16.081 billion yuan RMB, the mouth exceed $1.5 billion.


According to statistics, China's door industry from the output from 2006 to 2010, the average annual growth rate of 24%, if the growth rate of the 2011 China door industry output value of 234.6 billion, even at the relatively conservative 20%, the output value of $2270.


Window of door of rural market potential is infinite


Day Lin shutter dealers are aware of the many brands of categories such as, a few years ago the rural consumers to buy the little door, but in recent years, especially since this year, to buy the door farmers increase a lot, accounted for half of the total sales.


According to day Lin doors and Windows, head of market analysis, rural migrant workers, business people back home building more direct stimulation of the demand growth, these people experience the city life, to the brand cognition to a certain extent, to the quality of the product also has certain pursuit, so led to the demand of real wood door, solid wood composite door, stainless steel security doors and so on. For the convenience of consumers around the nearby to buy, many security door manufacturers have also drawn up operational policy response to the market, shun hong industry Steal door manufacturers began to transition to China merchants, dealers is a bridge between manufacturers and consumers, is advantageous to the manufacturer to better understand the needs of the consumers.


With the implementation of the policy of urban and rural integration, as well as the development of the new countryside construction, rural strong market potential is gradually released, on the doors and Windows products consumption, the years stainless steel guard against theft in rural drama of sales growth is a powerful evidence. As to further enhance its capability of rural consumption in recent years, the implementation of the national building materials to the countryside, and more migrant workers, business personnel returning from the increasing of the building, but also further enhance the rural market demand for Windows and doors in the grade and brand requirements.

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